4.2.03 |
two things i took note of this morning -
1. a man is running for office today and stood by the metro to pass out fliers and talk to those who are interested.
2. a young couple was braving the turmultuous crowds at metro center and the man gently put his arm around the woman.
sometimes i surprise myself with what i notice in the world. what is it about these two, small, actions that makes me stop to think twice about them? though everyday is not election day, there is still something very purist about a candidate meeting people and asking for votes. for some reason this man's actions stuck out to me. i know that he is not above corruption, but he had an eagernes and passion in his desire to serve.
and the couple - his action and her response spoke to me. it was a small gesture, not intended for public consumption, but yet it had a voice. he cares for her and she responds to him. it was a move of protection and affection. pure. |
posted by Paige @ 1:57 PM |
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