25.6.03 |
from my notes last sunday -
there is a feeling that overcomes me when i sit in church. tonight it came again. what is it? it causes my mind to wander. but not just to wander, to focus. i find myself thinking, contemplating many things. and the weird thing is that it is completely simultaneus with the sermon. i remember both vividly.
now, i am a christian - i belive in God and his son Jesus. but i have a very hard time with the spiritual rhelm. i guess i struggle with the power of God. but when i sit in the peace of God, i feel that. i feel different. i experience hope, and with it peach that that hope can be made a reality. hope is what i experience at church. it is those moments of hope that sustain my faith. isn't christianity by definition hope in something beyond this? |
posted by Paige @ 6:58 AM |
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