13.11.03 |
Jesus is my crush
this morning i read about revolve, a new testament that is edited to read like a girls magazine. from the editors that brought us such favorites as wild at heart and song of solomon, this piece addresses many of the issues at the heart of young girls. it links unlikely biblical analysis on issues like dating, leadership and of course, clear pores.
yeah. it's for real. you can buy it on amazon yourself.
now, before i analyze any further, please note that i have not read this book and therefore do not have a full understanding. however, i am most adamantly opposed to "dressing up" the Word of God. it is one thing to explain The Gospel in culturally relevant terms, but it is clearly another to misrepresent God's intentions (and i admit that perhaps this is new testament is not misrepresentative). at the core of my issue with this is that it is God that reveals himself to us. i do not believe we have an obligation to convince people to begin a faith in God, and this appears to be humans trying to convince young girls.
i promise to look up this book the next time i'm in a christian bookstore and make a more accurate assesment of the 'translation'. |
posted by Paige @ 6:25 AM |
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