10.12.03 |
earthquakes are interesting natural phenomina. to think that there is a force so powerful that it can move the ground of an entire state. it's a powerful reminder of the forces at work in this world that are more powerful than humanity and beyond our control.
there was an earthquake here yesterday. though it was epicentered around richmond, va, it shook the entire state. and i felt it here in washington.
this experience has made me realize that i have a perspective that most of my friends and colleagues don't. earthquakes have played a major role in shaping my life and i realize that others lack that understanding. i grew up in a world that was shaken - literally - every couple of years. my coworkers looked at me with a blank expression that turned to a smirk when i asked them the words we hear so frequently in southern california, "did you feel that?"
"feel what?", they asked. "the construction downstairs?"
but it was more than the construction, as i explained it to them. but they smiled and almost laughed at me as they shoo-ed me away.
but the earth did indeed move again yesterday.
i certainly have the same reactions that most do - fear that the ground shaking will become worse and that my life will be in danger, startling fear at the surprise of the shaking, fear that my loved ones are in danger. but i think what scares me the most about earthquakes is that it means the ground under me has shifted. things are not the same as they used to be. God has moved what i cannot.
but what is He moving and what will become different? |
posted by Paige @ 8:36 AM |
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