god meets girl

there are a few theological items i've been working through lately. what do you think?

1.) "christian" is not an adjective and yet it is so often used as one. "christian music", "christian themes", "chritian book", etc.

2.) how does faith differ from work, in the romans 8 sense of the terms, "by grace you are saved through faith. it is a gift of God not by works, lest any man should boast." but when it comes down to the "through faith" part, isn't doesn't that require my action (submission) and therefore working? as an example, let's say i'm trying to give up sex. each time i am tempted to have sex, i must then "have faith", which really means that i'm restraining myself from going through the act. is it only faith if it is passive and works if it is active? but really, aren't i taking action by not participating in the activity in question? perhaps this is where knowing the greek word definition would come in handy, since i'm guessing they meant two different things back then.

3.) why do we have times where God feels 'not real', but just an abstract thought? and yet there are times when God feels very close, usually during extreme times.

for my good friends who are christian, please don't panic as you read this. i'm not having a crisis of faith. i actually believe this questioning is healthy and strengthening my faith. personally, i panic when people don't question like this.

perhaps i am ready for more focused and academic study of these subjects.
posted by Paige @ 8:32 AM  
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