21.10.04 |
i made a connection today, as i do many mornings due to the grand inspiration that is metro. this morning it was the realization of one more way i try desperately to control that which i cannot.
this morning it is something that all women can relate to - the obligatory boob glance. i don't understand why it is necessary and why it is so common. yes, they are there. yes, as a female i have them. mine, unfortunately, seem to get this a lot too and often from unwanted sources (friends' boyfriends, bosses and creepy ups drivers...but that's a story for another time).
but anyway, as i passed a metro employee who pretended to be scanning my outfit all the way to my shoes, it occurred to me why this bothers me. it's not that i don't like to be noticed (everyone does) and it's not even that i don't like my breasts to be noticed, because even a sexy glance can be a good thing. but it bothers me who notices them. rather it bothers me that i can't stop some people from noticing them. it is like a part of me, a deeply intimate part of me, is taken from me without my approval. we are made to be sexual beings, but i am troubled that i can't control which men may have access to that part of me and which ones can't. there is absolutely nothing i can do about it, save for wearing turtlenecks (which, by the way, i am practically wearing today).
cest la vie?
ps. if you'll notice to the right, i've done something i've always wanted to do - register for gifts for no occasion whatsoever!!! for your further consumption of all things Paige, feel free to browse my amazon.com wish list. i'll try to add more items as i salivate over them. it truly is a wish list...now if i could only add a touareg to that list... |
posted by Paige @ 7:02 AM |
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