14.2.06 |
love day |
happy valentine's day (or what's left of it)
i am really not one for overdoing the festivities, though i'm also not militantly against it. this is most likely because the last time i had a boyfriend on the actual day was 8th grade. i do like the idea of a day to celebrate love.
my city is however very in to the idea. today i saw a mother dressed entirely in red while toting two young childred in white and red. it made me smile. and everywhere you looked there were vendors with flowers, heart-shaped boxes, etc. i mean, what other day can you accept a man walking down the street with a huge, red teddy bear?
go ahead, be sappy. i love you all! |
posted by Paige @ 10:26 PM |
good to read from you. i hope you're well.
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good to read from you. i hope you're well.