god meets girl

I don't really know what to write about, although I feel like I should write something cause it's been a while. I am really not in a deep, contemplative mood.

My office took us to a private home and museum today. It was great. I'd like to be disgustingly rich, collect art, then immortalize myself by turning my estate into a museum. Especially because it's for the better good of society, education and all. Hmm....I am pretty cynical about those intentions. Though I do wonder what I would be if I were grossly rich. I'd like to think I'd use most of my money for others, though sometimes I doubt even my own character. For one thing, I'd pay off my debt. Man I'm sick of having debt. (must pick new song...how's J L Hooker??) I would fund lots of college students as interns for Young Life clubs. Even if they failed miserably. I would buy some pieces of art, though I would like to look for local, non-famous artists. I would like to collect furniture from the 20s, 30s and 40s. I would fix my car...perhaps get another one. Oh....and move to cali...hmm...but where in cali....

Now, not working, that's another question. I'd spend my days getting to know people. People from all walks of life. I think I would fund at least one homeless person. I would find out her (she would be a woman) hopes and dreams, and fund anything necessary for her to accomplish those. I would like to do that for a child as well. The comparison would be interesting. Is it possible to spark drive and inspiration in the adult? Sometimes I think adults lack the will to change their life, but then, maybe that's my parents. Man, I am cynical tonight
posted by Paige @ 6:06 PM  
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