5.8.02 |
It is only 10:45 and here is a list of things that have already happened to me:
1. Woke up early to meet courier with print job that was supposed to be in office on Friday afternoon. Since courier "forgot to pick up job", the new arrival time is 8:30 am on Monday, which means I am there by 8:20 to receive the receptionist's phone call.
2. Could not find black socks, had to settle for white.
3. Supposed to leave at 7:25 am, left at 7:35 am.
4. Went to open car door with key, only to find out key doesn't work in car door. After rechecking proper set of keys, tried passenger door (am suddenly grateful for having 1996 Golf instead of 1997, without passenger key entry) and successfully set of car alarm (even though car was unlocked). After turning off alarm, finally opened driver door and attempted to start car. After fear of being blown up was absolved, drove to work.
5. Burned tongue on hot coffee and spilled it on shirt. Now all I smell is coffee as I am wearing a turtleneck and it is right under my nose.
6. Arrive and park at 8:15 am. Find only two quarters to feed meter, one hour's worth of parking time.
7. Arrive in office and find packing from printers waiting outside door. As nice as it was to have the package there, it rendered arriving early useless.
8. Turn on computer and find that emails responded to on Thursday had arrived as new. As it turns out, no emails were received on Friday and it is unknown whether emails sent were received. No records in sent box.
9. Went to feed meter. Deposited 1 quarter with no result. Deposited second quarter with "failed" notice.
10. Went back in office, borrowed 3 quarters. Deposited in new meter. "failed". Deposited new quarter, read "12" minutes instead of 30. Deposited last quarter. "failed". 5 quarters, 12 minutes on the meter.
11. 12 minutes later, moved car to two-hour parking zone. Hate District parking laws. |
posted by Paige @ 8:07 AM |
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