11.9.02 |
Alright, it is only halfway through September 11, 2002, and I'm already sick of hearing about last year. It truly amazes me to hear how shocked people are. Why are you shocked? Aparently no one has experienced tragety. Am I priviledged that I have gone through this before? Ok, so the loss of life was not as significant, but really the similarities between this and earthquakes are tremendous. Everyone has their "where were you" stories. In fact, everyone askes - and genuinely listens to - those stories. The shared experience is one we Americans lack. I have been reading an absolutely fascinating article on salon.com about that simply states people's reactions to the events. The raw and offensive honesty is one that I truly respect. But I feel most people won't hear such reactions. Partly because they have now been trained not to want to hear it, but also because they don't understand it. I have never shared my honest reactions until just yesterday, and I must say...it is quite liberating.
I have a hard time talking to people from California about this. They are so far removed from it, and so effected by the media, that they do not understand. For example, I drove Kristin up to Columbia, and she would not go near ground zero. She stated that she didn't want to start her life in NYC on such a grim note. My mother cries just thinking about it - which I cannot understand. I understood her tears last year, when she learned her daughters were ok. But now? A year later? She doesn't even know anyone that was lost. I do. Lisa's dad was one of the "heros", a fire chief at the command center in the base of tower 1. To me, her emotional reaction is the most genuine. Do they genuinely understand the situation, and it is I that am confused? How do you judge another's emotional reaction? Does God judge my emotional reaction?
I wonder what our emotions would be like if we were allowed to experience them for longer that a 190 minute movie, or a 4.3 minute song. If we had the time to really wrestle with and grasp our own reactions to this all, would we feel the same? Would the same cheesy-ness be there, but just with a different understanding? Or would we be 'moved on'? Or would we still be hugging each other and crying? What are pure emotions.
And then I think of the Real World Chicago cast....now those are true emotions! |
posted by Paige @ 10:16 AM |
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