25.9.02 |
today is my grandmother's birthday. she would have been 92.
i have tremendous respect for her. her marriage to my grandfather seemed respectable. he died when i was 6, but my grandmother spoke very well of him. she cried every year at the anniversary of his death. she would say about him, "he cared for me". the conclusive simplicity of that response still amazes me. i see lack of respect in many relationships, and i want my husband to care for me.
i have thought a lot about the qualities i require in my husband. i have shared my post earlier this week with several people, and i am surprised the responses. many more women than i imagined understand my description. i had it suggested to me to list the qualities i would like in a husband. traditionally i have thought that this is an attempt limit God. you see, i understand God to work in ways that are beyond my understanding. creating a list from my own understanding will cause me to only to be interested in a certain man. but God works beyond our comprehension, to an extent that is truly only realized in retrospect. perhaps i will create a list over the weekend. i believe sleep is more important right now.
i love you grammie. happy birthday |
posted by Paige @ 8:47 PM |
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