15.10.02 |
1.6m to home depot - the latest sniper shooting.
i don't really know what to say. i'm not scared, though i did think twice as i got gas this evening - i chose a gas station that wasn't close to a wooded area. i'm sure i've been in closer proximity to a shooting. i mean, i was raised in l.a. rodney king lived but blocks away from me.
last night at 10:20 or so we were all seated on my bed watching the little tv as 'news was unfolding'. again i realized that aside from september 11, i don't think most of my friends have delt with this kind of stuff. have i really delt with this stuff, or i'm i kidding myself? i do feel a certain nostalgia. there is something exciting about the whole ordeal. when you think about the odds of you being the actual victim, they're slim. you have a better chance of winning the lottery. so why is everyone talking about it? i hear my roommates in the other room right now exchanging theories. it reminds me of a good old fashioned high speed pursuit. |
posted by Paige @ 6:04 PM |
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