26.10.02 |
i had a lengthy day today...and it's just now ending. it was good, just busy. i feel like 7:30 yesterday morning was so long ago, and i suppose it was. today is lane's birthday. we spent most of it at church, assisting with this seminar they were having. lane was teaching, i was preparing food. how traditionally christian-gendered are we? but during the breaks we shot some hoops and discussed (what else) our non-existant relationships. funny, but the same conversation came up about a half hour ago with dan - where does a person spend their time. i posed this thought of mine (see previous blog) to lane. his answer is not strong in my memory, so maybe he didn't get around to answering it. dan, too, did not track with me on the busy-ness issue. i shall have to pursue.
elsewhere in life we went and had guinness and sang irish drinking songs for the very non-irish lane. i did witness him dance at the waterfront with a flapper (an older woman dressed for halloween as a flapper, though lane insists she is a genuine antique). there was something sexy about watching him dance, holding this sequined woman he doesn't know, while wearing cowboy boots. it's been a long time since i've been held for a dance. well, the night concluded with going with dan to carrie and trina's party. it was a very creative party - a white t-shirt party. everyone was signing the t-shirts and some had obscene pictures, of course. but it was very fun, everyone was enjoying themselves. i do believe it is time to call it a night. i shall enjoy the extra hour. |
posted by Paige @ 11:09 PM |
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