22.10.02 |
bliss! i would love to have days like this all the time! there was almost no one in the office today, which usually means i get a lot done. i guess i did get a fair amount done, but it alluded me. am i allowed to be in love? well, i suppose being 'in love' is a leap. but i did have fun. i had a walking date around dc today. we walked through the old buildings of hu law school, through the neighborhoods of million dollar homes and row houses. we discussed most of the usuals - family, rearing, schools, etc. i know i've said this before, but perhaps the number one personality trait that i'm attracted to is passion. and to make it even better - his passion is for God. unbelievable. but i won't count this chicken just yet. my heart belongs to another. |
posted by Paige @ 3:09 PM |
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