god meets girl

strange things are occurring all around washington today. i was on the metro this morning, minding my own business like everyone else on the morning commute. this man behind me starts rapping "girls, girls, girls" (which, of course, made me think of the motley crue song). but he continues to rap, like he's reciting a poem, about girls and being from washington (and something about owning it). i turn to look at this man, and i see he is a very large (occupying the full, 2-seat seat) man with a bandana around his forehead. he has graying, long, scraggly hair and beard and red-tinted glasses. he looked like he belonged at a dead show, though i don't think he'd be performing his girls, girls mantra. lucky for me, he started rapping on the way to my stop.

but it didn't end there. as i'm walking from the metro to my place of occupation (with au lait in hand), i see this black "security" car up parked on the side of connecticut ave. now, it's not uncommon to see cars randomly parked where they're not supposed to be, but this one was just over the curb. as i pass by it, i notice that it is up and over the curb, and i see the airbags deflated and the spiderwebbed windshield. like a good citizen, i look around to find the victims, thinking perhaps i could be of assistance somehow. but i find no one, and almost everyone around seems to walk on by. i walked inside my building to inform the security guard, who is apparently already aware of the situation. he tells me that it has been there since 10 pm LAST NIGHT! he said, "yeah, the cops came and put a ticket on the car, and the secret service stopped to look at it, but no tow truck has come". and the best part is that this is a SECURITY vehicle! oh, and the hazard lights are still on! apparently no one thinks this is odd.

robin's explanation? there was a full moon last night.
posted by Paige @ 5:48 AM  
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