4.5.03 |
i had to make a big decision this week. i guess the decision itself wasn't all that big, but the implications of it are pretty huge. i decided to move out of my group home to a studio apartment. now i do realize that making a move across town is not that huge, but there are a few more factors involved.
1. the apartment is located in the basement of my sister and her husband's new townhouse. yeah, i know, i tried living with my sister, and it wasn't pretty. believe me, we are going into this arrangement with awareness of all the potential dangers.
2. the apartment is located in alexandria. now, i love the area, but considering i work on the opposite side of the beltway, its something to think about. i will also consider moving places of employment - i'm going to live just blocks away from pbs....(the closest to a dream job i can find in dc - judge as you may)
3. the apartment is located away from most of my friends. it has been brought to my attention that i will lose valuable times with friends. but, really, when have you known me to be a hermit? i see this as an opportunity to grow deeper friendships, and now is the time for all parties to step up to the plate and work harder for the relationships that mean something. will they also work harder for my friendship?
4. i can finally get my dog. there are a few things in life that i have wanted to accomplish, and getting a dog is one of them.
5. my life will be quieter. this has been very important to me lately, i pray that i will receive focus and peace.
these are just few of the priorities that i established for my life. they are born out of much soul-searching and praying. they are not a justification - they just are. i don't feel the need apologize for this decision, i believe i am following a path that God has lain before me. i see it as personal growth. will it be? |
posted by Paige @ 2:45 PM |
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