30.6.03 |
where is the adventure?
so i have this big decision to make. i stumbled upon a good job opportunity - good for now, but in not the most secure market. but more specifically, this job will allow me to make good money while i go back to school - something i've always had on my mind for later in life. lately i've realized that now is later in life.
but i like my current job, and i love the people i work with. i hate the hour commute on the metro each way, but at least that commute is paid for. i also have great insurance, summer hours, retirement and a 35-hour work week - all of which i would be kissing away for a job i'm not even sure i would like or that i would even be there in six months.
but it's not about the job - it's about school, which is equally as uncertain. i don't know how i'm going to pay for school - i don't know what financing a graduate degree looks like. i hear you rarely get grants for grad school, so it would be mostly loans. plus, i have take no gre or even applied.
i don't like what my life is right now, and i don't like that i can't commit to something. i want a quieter life and i want to invest in a few people and reap the benefits of deeper relationships.
here is the root of my struggle - do i leave a comfortable and semi-secure job for something that i believe will be the most beneficial in the future? do i take that risk? have i become a chicken in my career-age? what happened to the girl who moved across the country at age 17?
i must decide tomorrow morning - the risk or the investment. spiritually speaking, does God take us to insecure places - absolutely. and i have no doubt in my mind that this was placed in my path. the advice i'm receiving from my christian friends - don't rock the boat, you have a great thing going for you. but when has God called us to live a life of 'stay right where you are, you're doing great'. where is the adventure - because i didn't sign up for this christian life because it was secure? but i did, and that is the security i rest in, no matter which decision i make. |
posted by Paige @ 7:57 PM |
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