27.8.03 |
i read this passage this morning, from james baldwins' short story, sonny's blues. the narrarator is having a conversation with his mother about a important incident in his father's life. his mother said these words to him,
"But I praise my Redeemer," she said at last, "that He called your Daddy home before me. I ain't saying it to throw no flowers at myself, but, I declare, it keeps me from feeling too cast down to know I helped your father get safely through this world. Your father always acted like he was the roughest, strongest man on earth. And everybody took him to be like that. But if he hadn't had me there-to see his tears!"
this especially moved me because that is exactly what i want. i've never been able to put it in words such as baldwin has, but that is my main desire for this life that is given to me - to help get others safely through this world. i certainly want that in my marriage relationship, because that will probably be my deepest, but really i want that for all my relationships. i want my friends and family - and even people i interact with for a brief portion of my life - to get through this life safely.
but to my husband - it stirs my heart when i think of sharing the laughter and tears of the man that has intrusted his life to me. i cannot wait to share life with you. |
posted by Paige @ 9:42 AM |
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