18.12.03 |
last night was anne's tap dance recital. she was awesome! i am so proud of my friend and her talents. it's truly inspiring.
dawn and i were thinking the same thing last night. as true social scientists, we were fascinated by the dynamics of the evening. here, packed into a tiny room at the vfw, were about 50 (mostly) middle-aged women and one man and their supportive loved ones in chairs surrounding the dance floor. i kept asking myself what inspired them to pick tap dancing? was it, like anne, a love for broadway and a desire to be glamorus? was it sheer boredom with their upper-middle class lifestyle and the need for a new stimulus? or was it, as dawn remarked, simply a form of low-impact aerobic exercise?
whatever the reason, the women danced their hearts out. and succeeded. dressed in their black pants purchased from nordstroms and their festive holiday knit vests, these women tapped and tapped away.
i am still debating which part i loved the most -
was it billy, the flamboyant, drag queen instructor in his black sequined hot pants and rhinestone eyeliner (i have got to find out how you do that!)?
or the 50-something asian woman with the sparkly rocawear t-shirt?
or the moment when janelle shouted to the audience, show me the beavers! |
posted by Paige @ 6:40 AM |
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