23.1.04 |
do you know how sometimes you are walking down the street and you notice another person walking ahead of you, going the other way? you know how sometimes the two of you are walking in the same line and you start to debate with yourself which side of the street to move towards, to let them pass? and you know how it all kind of happens in slow motion and sometimes you end up choosing the same side to step to and doing the little 'dance' with that person? well, don't you usually just smile and laugh a little at the circumstance and maybe apologize to the person?
well, i had one of those interactions this morning on my way out of the metro station. only this time the person was coming at me from around the corner (with enough time to notice that we were approaching eachother). i hesitated on how best to pass him, and i'm completely content with letting others pass before me (although, he was a man...to which i ask, where was shivalry?...but that's not the point). well, we made it through ok without even missing a step or doing the dance. after i pass him, i hear mumble, mumble...out of the way, bitch! i couldn't believe it! i turned around, about to slug him, but he was far enough away that it wasn't worth it. but then i started thinking about it. i can't remember when i've been called a bitch before. i almost started crying (i know, i know, but i'm a girl...), and am still really hurt just thinking about it now.
the power of words truly amazes me. |
posted by Paige @ 7:36 AM |
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