21.4.04 |
below are snippets from my dreams:
-i set fire to the garage where my car was being repaired because i was angry that i kept having to bring it in to get it fixed. which would have worked fine except that for some reason my sister and brother-in-law lived above the garage and it wasn't of much concern (until retrospective thinking) that they would be injured or lose their things. what was most upsetting was that it didn't work - the neighbor's house burned down and the garage for some reason was fine. the main part of the dream was after i did this, realized my family was ok, and they were helping me dodge the criminal liabilities for this event. i woke up before the retribution hit.
-i had sole possession of a letter written to president bush from michael jackson. this was because he left it for the mailman in a box outside a house (that looked quite similar to natty's). the majority of the dream was spent wondering first who to tell (friends, press, etc.) and then whether to open it or not. it was my understanding that the letter contained a full confessional to the allegations. my wondering was quickly solved when patrick grabbed the letter, opened it and we all read it. my alarm went off before i could gather the details of the confessional.
-i was being pressured for not completing a sdl sheet, or whatever it is, of contacts for marketing a specific product. i was being 'spoken to' about it - to the point where i was about to get fired. i felt very paniced and mad at myself for not completing the project. (this dream came after i was editing my sister's legal discloser/briefing thing (yeah, like i know what it's called!) about a case where one business was potentially going to sue an ex-employee for stealing trade secrets and thus increasing the sales at the new place of employment)
can you tell i'm feeling a little pressured these days? not to worry - i have no real plans to burn down buildings or steal from employers. but i do have to laugh at the irrationality of dreams. i think the weekend at the lake will do me some good. |
posted by Paige @ 6:26 AM |
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