5.4.04 |
i ran 10 miles i ran 10 miles i ran 10 miles!!!
yup, i did. i finished (goal #1). i did it in 1:57:02 (surpassing goal #2 of 2 hrs - 2:10 hrs). and i feel great (hindsight goal #3). i even did it in 50 degree, rainy weather with wind gusts up to 50 mph. and i've got a stylish baby blue and pink t-shirt to show for it.
but it was fun. it's always so much better to run a race than just a long run becuase there's so many people around, they cheer you on, and you get to see the scenery (which for this race was great!). i got to evesdrop on peoples conversations and it's really kind of fun the things you learn. (evesdropping is inevidable...there's so many people that you run so close to eachother....gimme a break!) my favorite convo was the psychotherapist-1st time author who was talking with a lawyer for the usps. interesting.
anyway, as kirsten said...running these races just makes you want to run more. so, here it is, in writing (typing?). i'm signing up today for the lottery to register for the marine corps marathon. tomorrow i'm signing up for the army 10 miler. and i'm searching for my half-marathon...
is this crazy? |
posted by Paige @ 8:02 AM |
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