god meets girl

paige and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

last night i decided it was important for me to do some laundry, which i did. only, while i was loading the washer, one of my socks fell into the sink. that wouldn't be bad in and of itself, except that it fell in the precise point on the drain to clog it up. yes, i successfully flooded the laundry room which is adjacent to my apartment, and therefore, flooded my apartment. they have automatic drains in california, i think i'll move to california. it's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

i'm willing to get over that, except, i awoke this morning to hear the weather report say, "no more rain after last night's rain". last night's rain? yeah, guess who accidentally left her sunroof open after driving to the gym last night? it doesn't rain in california. it's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

i'm still willing to get over both of these things, except, this morning i forgot that we're out of coffee and our secretary (who usually tracks and buys the coffee) is out for the next few days. i spent on hour, yes, 60 minutes, tracking down our tax-exempt corporate charge card so i could buy the darn coffee. we buy our coffee at starbucks in california, instead of making it. it's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

and yes, i'm even willing to get over that, except, when i made the coffee, the pot cracked, stuck to the bottom of the coffee maker, leaked and broke. in california, pots don't break becuase you get your coffee in a paper cup. i think i'll move to california. it's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

my mom says some days are like that, even in california.
posted by Paige @ 7:39 AM  
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