18.3.04 |
i just returned from my long overdue trip home. i had some desperately needed catch up time with really good friends from both north and south. i have covered more than 7500 miles in the last 12 days. not too shabby eh?
but, now i am back and coughing to catch my breath amidst the collection of emails and bitching. our business family is still dysfunctional and my coworkers have reproduced, but they did manage without me.
and i miss seeing my friends already.
jamie, one of my oldest friends. the only sympathetic ear when we both got socially forced off of the varsity soccer team because we didn’t play on the right club team in 4th grade. it amazes me that we’re now grown ups, working full time jobs instead of meeting on the front lawn at break. now she’s off saving lives and dating rock stars…i’m so jealous! but at least i get to see him before she does this month!
mike. wow. good, but kinda weird to see him. if only he knew what was going through my mind in phoenix, and how much that changed things with brian. did he have any idea of my crush on him? probably, cause i’m awful at hiding those things…but he looks good now and it was good to see him. (and he should lose the girl…she’s no good for him…but maybe that’s my adolescent crush talking. it’s funny how those things come back…)
rachael, my good friend at a time when we both needed each other. i am so proud of all she has accomplished in 4 years. thanks to her for the hot tub and barney cake.
natalie. how many times she’s inspired me over countless cups of coffee and cigarettes! and now she’s on to bigger things like scotch, straight up and thesises. and she’s still inspiring. maybe we’ll get that condo in pasadena before the years’ up.
jess, cindy and liz, the divas from sc apt. 3B. how we’ve changed so much and yet, we’re still so much the same. though i still think it’s hilarious that none of us are using our majors…. jess, move away from sc, there’s so much more to experience. cindy, i’m still not too sure about albert. he should be treating her like the beautiful surfer goddess that she is. and liz her endurance for acting will pay off soon. i’m excited to see her return to the silicon valley. girls, when’s our reunion?
david. again, wow. great to see him. my strongest memory of dave was watching kendall one night and how my mom lectured me about us being alone together after she went to sleep. silly moms and their perceptions of adolesent male hormones. we should have just made out that night, just to freak ‘em all out. but now i got to hear about prison weddings and doing worse things than making out in the backseat of his girlfriend’s car. as weird as it is to see him as an adult, i’m also very proud of him for his passion for business and finance, for wearing a tie to work everyday, and even for his conservative politics. to dave i say, have more fun in pasadena…it’s not that bad.
cameo. one more time, wow. great to see her again too! my partner in crime in junior high. oh, where to start - the tping and condoms, sc games, palm springs and skiing, ryan, chris, andrew, ben, and more. and now she’s off making the world a more fashionable place while driving, er walking, around a great city and dating tv stars.
you know, it is comforting to know that things still exist as you remember them. and it's not just people. it's the smell of the 3rd floor maple street building that kind of musty and day camp kid lunch smell. it's the two silos just over the grapevine that look like the cat-in-the-hat's hat. it's the taste of a double-double. the sounds and feel of the surf on your skin at pleasure point. it's the memories of that which is familiar that sustains me at times. and i know it will be memories of familiar things here that will sustain me once i'm gone. |
posted by Paige @ 12:35 PM |
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