24.3.04 |
last night i saw eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. now its the movie i can't stop thinking about, and the poem it is based on is just as incredible. i stopped reading press about the flick as soon as i new i wanted to see it. so, this morning, i decided to read some reviews on it, now that i know about it. christianity today had one of the most interesting reviews, with a quote that moved me:
Eternal Sunshine indicates that we need each other, even in those times when togetherness disrupts happiness. Happiness is based on temporal, unstable things, but joy comes from transcending the temporal and holding on through all the waves of infatuation and falling out, lust and letdown, delight and disappointment.
that's how i feel and understand relationships to be. but have i loved to that extent? i consider myself a fighter for relationships, but have i fearlessly entered in to them? i am afraid that my fault is not in abandonment in tough times, but rather abandonment at the sight of risk. is it not braver to endure than to evade? evasion is smarter perhaps, but it leaves you void of the journey. this movie inspires me to live love. |
posted by Paige @ 7:34 AM |
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