16.2.05 |
my third greeting each morning |
i figure this is my 10 year anniversary of being a coffee drinker. it started innocently enough - just swinging by bean town each morning before the god-awful s.a.t. prep class my parents forced me to attend. i mean, you need coffee as a 17 year old who has to get to class by 6 am, right? mmm...that costa rica brew is still the best i ever tasted. and they've since changed bean suppliers and no longer carry the same costa rica beans, so that is a memory savored in my mind. perhaps one of the best parts of my high school life, which tells you a lot about my high school life.
as i'm preparing to pack, and since i will be carless for a couple of weeks while my car gets shipped out to the west coast, i have to start prioritizing what i want and when i want it. a french press, i decided, will have to travel with me. you see, my parents, for as much as i love them, have horrible coffee habits. my mother gave up coffee, er. caffine maybe, so she doesn't drink coffee anymore. this is evidenced by a free pound of coffee i gave her when i was a barista at starbucks almost three years ago. i finally made her throw it out last fall. my father single-handedly oppresses the coffee growers in south america by insisting that no one should pay more than $.75 for a cup of coffee. thus, he drinks his coffee each morning from mcdonalds (classy, huh?) and complains that anything i brew is 'too strong'. i guess my starbucks brainwashing was successful as it has infiltrated my daily brewing habits. coffee is a powerful force in our lives, isn't it?
and as i'm thinking of my beginning days as a coffee drinker, i have to laugh at the seriousness of life as a 17 year old. do you remember the pressure of a good performance on the s.a.t.? what did you all get, just out of curiosity? i think it's funny because it means nothing now. i know some people that got low scores on the s.a.t. but are doing quite well for themselves and are very smart. you want to know what i remember about that s.a.t. prep class i was dragged to? that my wierdo instructor took the exam each year "just for fun" and that he wrote his name on the band of his underwear. we know this because he showed us. kind of gross now that i think about it.
oh, and i got an 1180. |
posted by Paige @ 12:00 PM |
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