3.3.05 |
bye, for now |
well, today is my last day at work and monday will be my last morning in dc. i realize the for some of you this is great because that means we'll be seeing more of each other. for others, it is sad because it means we will not be seeing each other as often any more (though remember, i'll be out here a lot!). for me right now it is a little of both.
and of course there are others to which this news means nothing because right now we are restricted to e-friendship (can i coin that term?). and for the new readers to my site, welcome. there are now a host of new god meets girl readers now that i am free to disclose this site.
i'll sign off for at least a week until i get settle at the 'rents house (yikes!). |
posted by Paige @ 11:36 AM |
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