9.6.05 |
blogging |
every now and then i get new god meets girls readers, which i am very excited about. sometimes they are referrals from friends, sometimes i don't know them at all, and sometimes (hi steven) they are old friends who read my words even though they have no idea what i'm talking about. one such new friend gave me feedback about this yesterday, describing it as reading my personal journal. and he's right.
occasionally i think about quitting this thing, like it's fairly pointless, takes me away from work, and i don't have anything good to say anyway. then other times i get really excited about it, have great ideas for ways to develop it...but then can't seem to find the time to put thoughtful posts together. but the thing about blogging is that it teaches you about yourself. it forces you to draw conclusions (sometimes not good ones). and it allows you to indelibly mark this world.
the other reason i'm pondering blogging this morning is because of the reference in yesterday's newsweek to the blog alternative universe. this blogger writes of her experience as a counselor in a mental health facility and draws some very poignant descriptions of humanity. i've enjoyed reading it.
and regarding pointless blogging, newsweek also references another blog, 1000 bars. this blogger is documenting his quest through 1000 bars in one year. this is perhaps the inspiration we need to actually create the idea that's been stewing in our minds for a few weeks now....natty, vera, i think it's time we formally create our new blog. more on this soon....
and i WANT one of these shirts! check out freekatie.net |
posted by Paige @ 8:01 AM |
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