30.9.05 |
santa ana |
last night was a typical fall night in los angeles. the santa anas blew the hot wind in from the desert and the night was so clear you could almost touch the stars. the air smelled like forest fire and in the west you could see the coral colored smoke from the fires burning in the hills. these are the smells of fall that i grew up with, unique to los angeles.
i have new friend in my building who moved in last week. she is from chicago and asked if it is normal to be this hot. my first thought was, "at least it's not smolderingly humid", but i decided to just affirm her notion. "oh yes, this is normal. this is fall in los angeles. it lasts only a few days, but those days are like nothing else you will experience." this is the beautiful mix of urban desert, signifying the change of season. |
posted by Paige @ 10:56 AM |
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