12.9.05 |
it's not ok |
i guess i am in a bit of a sober mood lately - which makes me not want to comment on much in life even though i want to say a lot. i guess i'm afraid that you all will judge me. people tend to freak out when i get serious...but i can't be the life of the party all the time. or worse yet, i'll be boring to you.
here you go, here is my sobriety, but please do not mistake it for depression.
i finished reading a long way down, hornby's latest book. it was one of the most interesting novels i have read in a while. it starts with four people meeting to kill themselves - how's that for a start? what follows is a compelling and realistic dialogue on life, told with a unique perspective of those who are ready to lose it.
i have also been starkly drawn to the television show starved. i doubt it is anything that you would have even heard about or even be interested in watching. but it is so raw you can touch it. having said that, be warned that i call the show raw for the honest way it displays addiction, and the sick human way of dealing with it.
the rest of life is, as i wrote before, just here. |
posted by Paige @ 9:10 PM |
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