14.7.05 |
my life is my church |
my life is my church. -reverend run
reverend run, of run dmc spoke these words this morning on kroq. he was promoting his new reality show for the fall, but i was especially struck by his comment. basically he was saying that he has thought about opening a church many times and decided that a reality show was a better way to share his life with others. i know, it's a cheesy and shameless plug for his show - but the man's got a point. our lives are church in that through them we create community and affect others. in essense, it is our lives that support others, not a building or an institution. |
posted by Paige @ 9:18 AM |
good point. i wish someone would tell CDBC that. i just got an email this morning that started with the following comment:
"The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a better idea . . . And a company that isn't searching for the best idea, isn't open to ideas from anywhere, will find itself left behind, with its survival at stake" -- Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
the church needs to be open from ideas from anywhere? wonder if He feels the same way that i do about that. ughhh....
cute pup... and I couldn't agree more... church is one another, not a building... it is organic, not a structure
long time no talk
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good point. i wish someone would tell CDBC that. i just got an email this morning that started with the following comment:
"The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a
better idea . . . And a company that isn't searching for the best idea, isn't open to ideas from anywhere, will find itself left behind, with its survival at stake" -- Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
the church needs to be open from ideas from anywhere? wonder if He feels the same way that i do about that. ughhh....