16.6.05 |
did you get the memo? |
lately there has been some discussion about the downing street memo, a set of minutes from a uk government meeting to discuss iraq. the buzz in the media is that this proves that the us and the uk were in discussions about how to take down saddam before we invaded iraq. further, it implies (see the webmaster's red highlighted sections) that the bush had an agenda to bring him down and that the legal justifications for an attack were unstable.
i heard a report on this memo on morning edition this morning. i was particularly intrigued by a woman, mother of a son killed in iraq, who was supporting congress' hearing to discuss the memo. she likened this news report, which first appeared in london more than a month ago, to "a little report about a break-in at the watergate hotel". she believes as a citizen and mother of a soldier that what bush did was wrong and is calling for a response from the white house.
i encourage you to read the memo and make a decision for yourself before you hear the news reports today. i have to say that these minutes are not all that shocking. this is how the united states functions. this is government. this is politics. ugly as it may be, it is not surprising that one agenda is being pursued to this extent. i liken politics to a crowded room in a party - with so many people talking to each other, the one who gets the most attention is the one who shouts the loudest, above the other noise. bush did just that, through his position and through his alliances. he had an agenda he felt was important and he pursued it according to the political process we have established.
where i personally disagree with bush is on his timing for the plan to attack iraq and his lack of global support. but the latter is probably just my extroverted-ness (or, my otter) since i seek to get people to like me. |
posted by Paige @ 12:00 PM |
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