4.7.05 |
boom |
the 4th of july is one of my favorite holidays. there's just something about fighting with the heat, bbqs, beer, water, fireworks, sleeping in, friends. i don't remember many specific christmas', but i think i can remember at least the last 10 4th-of-julys. the last few of which were with the edison girls - i miss you guys! it's just not the same to watch the capitol fourth in your house instead of at the fdic. and of course, not much can beat getting drenched watching the goo goo dolls!
but this year is not too bad. it's great to be in dry heat again for the fourth. i spent all morning watching the twilight zone marathon (i'm such a geek for this one, but it's one of my favorite things!). bogart and i went for a hike by the hollywood sign. and i'll spend the evening at a beach party watching fireworks. sometimes life is good. |
posted by Paige @ 2:58 PM |
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