20.7.05 |
wow |
i missed an eventful day at our office yesterday since i was out traveling in central ca. aparently this big truck was parked for 'a minute' while the driver went into our neighbor gelson's for a drink. the truck either slipped out of gear or never was in it, and came barrelling down mulholland where it eventually smashed into our small retaining wall. by the grace of God, not one person (or car) was hurt. and i say Grace in the most literal sense which you'll see when you hear these stories: it happened at about 1pm, when most people are out for walks up to the store for lunch or running errands. cars are typically parked on the inside of that wall - often that is where our moble car washers will do their work, but not yesterday. and there was even one woman who pulled right in front of our driveway to read the mapbook when she got a little lost, but the truck veered just a few feet in front of her. and had it not been for the tree on the side of the wall, the truck would have plowed into the corner suite of our building - a children's tutoring business.
what remains now is God's perspective, a hole in the wall and stains on the pavement.

posted by Paige @ 1:08 PM |
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