28.2.06 |
exploding head |
do you ever feel like there is just so much to remember in life? i had my teeth cleaned this morning and six months ago i completely forgot about my cleaning appointment. i was proud of myself for remembering this time!
hearing my hygenist nag me about my flossing, i thought of all the things i have to keep track of in life. aside from teeth cleaning 2x a year, there's daily flossing, changing of toothbrush every 3 months, changing the oil in my car every 3 months, changing the batteries in my smoke detectors 2x a year, etc. and then there's spring cleaning, car maintainence, dog vaccinations, paying rent...and the list goes on. i guess that's why they invented outlook. or as my dad would say, i guess that's why God invented a paper and pen. |
posted by Paige @ 12:32 PM |
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