21.5.06 |
take one of the list... |
last night i saw blondie in a fabulous show! they are definitely one band on the 'must see live' list. debbie harry is amazing. she even wore this lime green track suit, a la sopranos.

i wish i had gotten a picture, but there was this fantastic tranny with a glittery silver shirt who kept dancing in the aisle in front of us! the best part was that he had full diva make up and made no attempt to concel the fact that hair grew on his face. |
posted by Paige @ 1:12 PM |
Hi PLH. I was there last night too and geesh, I wish more people were as enthusiastic as you! My entire row just SAT there like lumps! I've got pix @ my page too: hauntedcellardoor.blogspot.com I agree with you 110%... a show not to be missed!
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Hi PLH. I was there last night too and geesh, I wish more people were as enthusiastic as you! My entire row just SAT there like lumps! I've got pix @ my page too: hauntedcellardoor.blogspot.com
I agree with you 110%... a show not to be missed!