23.8.06 |
WOW! |
if you didn't see it on monday and yesterday, you should check out a re-run of spike lee's documentary on katrina. my head is still spinning and i am still not sure what to make of it. part of me thinks that it was a very strong hurricane, a natural disaster so of course people will die. unfortunate, but true. the issue i suppose is how they died...days later...because of lack of medicines and such. i really don't know what i think of it all but i am unnerved by the underlying theme of blame. residents blame "the government" (which ends up being manifested as bush), weather experts blame the army corps for poor construction (shoot, the army corps blames the army corps for poor construction!), the insurance companies blame homeowners for living below sea level, mayors blame councilwomen blame governors blame fema blame brown blame states' rights issues and so forth.
what lingers most in my mind are the images of bodies that closed act II on monday night (i could hardly sleep that night), but also the words of a historian who said that there are no fortune 500 companies in louisiana but still the state holds power because of the domestic oil production. or rather, they house the production, but entities in other locations control the wealth from the industry. |
posted by Paige @ 9:05 AM |
maybe i will rent it from netflix. but, i better not watch it late in the day. that stuff definately keeps me up.
thanks, paige.
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maybe i will rent it from netflix. but, i better not watch it late in the day. that stuff definately keeps me up.
thanks, paige.