4.10.06 |
intimacy |
ok. the loneliness is kicking in. i miss my friends. shoot, i miss anyone under 40. a very wise friend once told me that i seek intimacy, probably more than most people. i realized how true this is not when she said it months ago, but as i was driving to meet my date last night. how silly i have been to think that i can sustain a relationship when we are 2 hours away from each other. and i don't even like him.
the truth makes me lonelier.
so here i am. the middle of nowhere. the upside? i am spending 10 days in l.a. next week where i can overdose on mass marketing, posh restaurant and starbucks. the coffee house here opened for the season, as did the park itself. i met another 28 year old, probably the only other one in this town with a professional job. the paleontologists will start arriving soon too.
i regret nothing. but for tonight i hold on to melancholy and a look forward to a good nights sleep. |
posted by Paige @ 8:14 PM |
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