12.11.06 |
a salty phenomenon |
 today we had an open house celebration for the 100th anniversary of the salton sea so i spent the morning at the park's visitor center. i did my research and have developed quite a fascination with the sea after seeing pleasures and plagues of the salton sea. this place is a trip (no pun intended). here is southern california's largest body of water and it was never supposed to occur in modern times. the sea came into being because of a breached levee and, well, just kind of stayed. i suppose this is our aunt edna - she's old, she should have died years ago, and she kind of stinks.
in the afternoon i was compelled to bombay beach, a portion of the sea that once had an elegant shoreline with shiny winnebagos in the 1950s. until a decade or so later when another flood occurred and forced people off the beach. the buildings, however, stayed. today you see the rusted skeletons surrounded by sand, sand that is made of barnacles.
the salton sea has many stories like this. life goes on amidst a less than glamorous surrounding. what used to be a posh recreation area for the post wwII generation is now underwater or under sand. perhaps a metaphor for the idealist, invincible generation. we are the generation that sees structures half underwater.
i intend to return and shoot more, but here are the pictures i shot. |
posted by Paige @ 7:37 PM |
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