11.12.06 |
i find one of the most creative times for me is during a sermon. i feel a little bad about this because it isn't that i am not listening to the preacher, it is just that my mind is stimulated by the act of listening and i think better. well i have not been going to church so therefore my mind has not been as stimulated as it is used to being. but i am working on that.
i also realized that i have a stack of books that i am dying to read but cannot seem to get past the first 5 pages. the cost of discipleship is one of these books. emerson's essays is another. the words are heavy with meaning and exhausting to unpack. perhaps it is not the time in my life to read them.
i learned one interesting thing today which i will share with you. the root of the hebrew "forgive" is the same as "to dance". i wish you the freedom to dance. |
posted by Paige @ 4:44 PM |
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