13.4.07 |
my bed is in a small town |
i am starting to worry that my perspective is going to get skewed the longer i live in a small town. no offense to mellencamp but i was not born in a small town and i don't see it all in a small town. there are good things, like getting waves from strangers just because. or living less than a mile from work - a dream come true for me. but i have a hard time with the pettiness which is all the more amplified in a small town of aged people.
this week i was talking in a group of women twice my age. naturally the subject of weight management came up and they went around the circle sharing the pounds each of them lost after their first divorce. yes, all of them were divorced and the collective pounds lost was in the hundreds.
the conversation chilled me to the core. i realize that divorce rates are at an all-time high, personally i believe that boomers are just like that, but it still makes me think. i have not been married yet, though i'd like to be someday. i'd like to believe that marriage works, but anecdotal evidence here is proving otherwise. and i know, there are so many other factors involved, and that these women are wonderfully happy on their second marriages...but still.
still here is my solution. i'm moving to san diego! as a true fund raiser i have negotiated free rent for the summer, and likely the next year, so i can afford two households on a nonprofit salary. i am perhaps most excited to refer to "my house on the coast" and "my house in the desert". anyone care to visit me now? |
posted by Paige @ 5:30 PM |
wow...are you moving to SD for good or just for the summer? That's cool. I love SD. -josydaisy
well, both. i'm keeping a place in the desert, but i'll have a place in sd proper too. i'm pretty stoked!
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wow...are you moving to SD for good or just for the summer? That's cool. I love SD.