23.12.06 |
i know i live in a retirement community, but this is rediculous! |
this week i received my aarp membership card. yeah i just turned 29, but come on! 65 is still a long way off.
i suppose that is what i get for living in a town of old people. did you know my insurance rates went up when i moved here? we have 2500 residents here and a bi-weekly crime report that says things like "two cars bumped into each other at the center market"....and my rates go up. i did some investigating and found that indeed, it is a higher risk to live here with senile drivers than in the armenian neighborhood of hollywood where people drove their financed bmw's 60 miles an hour down a residential street. but borrego is not without its accidents. a few years ago the post office (a major hub here) was plowed into by a gentleman who forgot his left from his right pedals, in the style of the unfortunate santa monica incident.
but i will make the most of my new aarp card. i am looking forward to the senior discounts at denny's. |
posted by Paige @ 10:05 AM |
oh my gosh. i get things at my house addressed to my parents, who are both qualified to get an aarp card!
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oh my gosh. i get things at my house addressed to my parents, who are both qualified to get an aarp card!