8.12.08 |
the free market: ebay |
i sold my first item on ebay today. it was a fascinating experience...and one that makes me feel very naive of the world of ebay. my item sold for $9.99, by one bidder. $9.99 was the opening bid, by the way. i bought the item for $140.00.
what interests me is not necessarily the price, but the fact that no other people bid on it. i take that to mean that no other people saw it that wanted it. do you remember the ebay ads on tv? the weird clock connected with the weird clock collector? where is that ebay? where are the dozens of people that want my item - because trust me, it is want-able.
ebay tried to tell me that with $.15 extra more people would see it because it had a subtitle, or a pink background or something. but no, i think there were plenty of people on ebay looking for exactly my item....but they got pulled away by the other listings ALL IN CAPSS***** and such. i guess that is not much different than any retail philosopy these days. sure, we sell that one thing...but look at all the other new, shiney other things you really, really want.
the woman that bought it got a great deal! |
posted by Paige @ 6:18 PM |
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