god meets girl

at work i have been filling in for my two bosses who are both out on vacation (hence, my stressed blogs). one of the tasks i have now taken over is to field and respond to the general email requests from our website. it is absolutely fascinating the stuff that people send to generic email addresses. i get the typical solicitations for a better sexual life, weight loss and faster internet connections. but i also get quite a few passionate emails from people. while i realize that sam smith is not taking the time to compose every email specifically to me, there is quite a bit of time and effort placed in actually finding our info email address. what are these issues that people are so passionate about that they would spend their time trying to have every person read about them? it has intregued me, to some degree, to learn about the oppression of a people group, or the urgency to find alternative fuel sorces. but at the same time, i am turned off by it because it annoys me. i am a big fan of democracy, yet i find myself being not as much of a fan when i am faced with it. i have to laugh at these emails because my workplace has nothing to do with them. the only result that will come of sam sending an email is to have one person - me - change their opinion on a certain subject. i suppose he is selling me something, an idea, just as the sex life, weight loss people are. and in america, we sell the idea that one person really does influence the world. there are times i believe that whole-heartedly, and there are times i see it as a crock. today i don't know what to think - but i don't have to think about it.
posted by Paige @ 12:09 PM  
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