2.1.03 |
this holiday was all about family. shall i start with my parents? i came back from my week with them just completely deflated. it is quite amazing how two people can have the outrageous power of stripping off all that i think i have worked so hard to become, and it is those same two people who have made me all that i am.
but this will be the last christmas of it's kind. there are big changes on the horizon, and from next year on things will be completely different. my big sister is getting married. for those who see me on a regular basis i probably seem to go on an on about it, but this is truly a big event. i have one sister and am going to make the best memories of this time that i can. it should also make for some interesting blog entries.
happy new year everyone! may 2003 bring peace, blessings, strength and memories. |
posted by Paige @ 7:48 PM |
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