23.5.03 |
i've been in a funk for the last two weeks or so. i can't really explain what all i'm struggling with, and even if i did i know it wouldn't be worth the explanation. well, i'm starting to rise out of it, at least i pray i am. the problem with being in a valley is that there's a whole mountain ahead of you to climb. honestly, i'm overwhelmed with things that i want to accomplish but feel grossly impared to do so.
it's strange the things going on around me this weekend.
a new life will begin tomorrow for two people.
for two others their life is expanding.
for another, the grief of a family lost.
still another begins reparations in his.
the rain is consistent in each vignette, replacing the sun. but the sun is there even though it is hidden for now. it will shine again and bring new life. |
posted by Paige @ 6:48 PM |
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