9.5.03 |
sometimes it is scary how right on a horoscope can be. though i do not want to listen to the advice.
Relating to people from your point of center may be difficult for you since you may get the feeling that people don't see things as deeply or as emotionally as you do, dear Scorpio. Perhaps you feel as if everyone has a shallow perspective on things, making them luckier in one sense, yet deprived in another. Try not to focus so much on others, but see what you can do to just concentrate on yourself. A big part of making this happen is by not taking yourself so seriously, and by adopting a more lighthearted approach to life.
great. well, tomorrow the big relationship that i've been investing my life into will climax. well it's about time. oh, wait, what relationship? Do you have a partner for life, or do you have someone who doesn't quite appreciate you as much as you feel like they should? hmm...understatement? |
posted by Paige @ 7:35 AM |
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