15.7.03 |
the fact that humans dream intrigues me. it is absolutely astonishing that in an altered state, one's mind can create an entirely separate reality based on one emotion. it's like dreams are a big, mental magnifying glass that takes one small emotion felt throughout the day and focuses a reality on that emotion. but are they prophetic? i've not known any of my dreams to come true, except maybe they are telling of the exact opposite situation. but either way, it is so disturbing.
i had a nightmere last night. when i was little i would have nightmeres of jubba-the-hut living in my parents bedroom after he ate them. i still, to this day, have a great fear of brown, slimey creatures - jubba, golem, et - they all freak me out to my core.
but that's not the kind of nightmere i had last night. last night was much more real. have you ever woken up crying or laughing or excited or depressed? some dreams can move you so deeply that they are permanently ingrained in your mind. you walk around all day so totally convinced of the alternate reality that you believe others know of it too. i never know how to take those dreams, except to tell myself to just forget about them. but it's 9:53 and I've been up for three hours now...this feeling isn't going away any time soon. |
posted by Paige @ 6:59 AM |
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