29.1.04 |
today is my big sister's golden birthday. as she is my older sister, i have naturally looked up to her. she has always been a leader and pioneered the way through life - at least my life. she broke our parents in for me, just like she broke in many things for me.
though there are few things we disliked more than receiving 'share' gifts at christmas time, i have come to learn that we spent our lives sharing. we have shared rooms and houses, successes and mistakes. we have shared clothes and toys, and friends and cars. and even more so these past few years, i think we've even come to share advice.
to the beautiful, admirable, wise, successful and generous woman that is my sister -- happy birthday. there is no one else i would ever want for my big sister. from casa grande to kennedy, i am proud to follow in your footsteps. may the next 29 years (or 70, as kurt's wife) be full of the blessings you deserve.
happy birthday, courtney. |
posted by Paige @ 1:42 PM |
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