5.2.04 |
wow....i think i'd be pretty pissed if my school missed the deadline to apply for federal scholarship money, rendering my application useless. especially if i worked hard to get on my doctorate uc berkeley. although, it does give me some secret pleasure to see the uc board of regents (to which i wrote many a check) screw something up. but i suppose they'll play the blame game (yet another instance of it, carl...) and say it's the campus' fault and that they "were unaware of any problems with meeting the deadline". yeah, not to mention the fact that the us. doe would probably grant an extension should it have been asked of them. why don't people step up to the plate and admit that they are having problems?
lest you think of me as arrogant, i have missed my fair share of deadlines and have failed miserablly many times. i'm working on it though...bear with me. |
posted by Paige @ 10:24 AM |
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